Tuesday 3 February 2009

rainbow at sea

rainbow at sea

and then it came
a bolt from heaven
a serene field of blues and greens
undulating and swirling
tea stirred, water on the boil
mill pool caught up and up
in escalating waves of wind
and our ship was suddenly flying
an eternity
with a sickening nose dive
and a crash into the sea
which scattered a million droplets
heading for the sun
“abandon ship” wasn’t needed
as we scrambled to the life boats
hurled this way and that
tossed and whipped
our eyes beheld the walls of water
and there, arching
through the black dankness
of the unforgiving skies
the darkness of our destiny
was penetrated by ruby reds
transcluscent blues
and garrulous greens
every hue imaginable
shone all around us
in a rainbow of hope
and we pulled harder
became one with the sea
pitching and rolling
as we absorbed the light
that penetrated our hearts
and reflected our beliefs
to end the storm
and bring us safely home

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